route maps

美 [ruːt mæps]英 [ruːt mæps]
  • n.交通图;线路图;示范;范例;最佳方式
  • route map的复数
route mapsroute maps

route maps


  • 1
    N-COUNT 交通图;线路图
    A route map is a map that shows the main roads in a particular area or the main routes used by buses, trains and other forms of transport in a particular area.

  • 2
    N-COUNT 示范;范例;最佳方式
    If you describe one thing as a route map for another thing, you mean that it provides a model showing the best way to achieve or describe it.

    Nowhere could you find a better route map of the troubles of Northern Ireland than in the articles of The Independent's David McKittrick.


  1. Scoping and planning the program , including developing and gaining agreement for route maps selected and project plans .


  2. You can even plug in your zip code to find a waling buddy and beginner-friendly local route maps .


  3. NN : I know you cover the airline industry pretty intently , so you are probably familiar with those airline route maps that show all the connections between hubs cities and destinations .


  4. Many Chinese users often search for an ideal travel route using Baidu Maps .


  5. On expression of Arctic ocean navigation route on world maps and relative problem
